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A Merry Little Meet CuteA Merry Little Meet Cute

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Book Descriptions :

Cowritten by #1 New York Times bestselling author Julie Murphy and USA Today bestselling author Sierra Simone?a steamy plus-size holiday rom-com about an adult film star who is semi-accidentally cast as a lead in a family-friendly Christmas movie, and the former bad-boy pop star she falls in love with.Bee Hobbes (aka Bianca Von Honey) has a successful career as a plus-size adult film star. With a huge following and two supportive moms, Bee couldn?t ask for more. But when Bee?s favorite producer casts her to star in a Christmas movie he?s making for the squeaky-clean Hope Channel, Bee?s career is about to take a more family-friendly direction.Forced to keep her work as Bianca under wraps, Bee quickly learns this is a task a lot easier said than done. Though it all becomes worthwhile when she discovers her co-star is none other than childhood crush Nolan Shaw, an ex-boy band member in desperate need of career rehab. Nolan?s promised his bulldog manager to keep it zipped up on set, and .

Book Details :

Author : Julie Murphy

Pages : 418 pages

Publisher : Avon

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 60121411-a-merry-little-meet-cute

ISBN-13 : 9780063222571


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