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A Cigarette Lit BackwardsA Cigarette Lit Backwards

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Book Descriptions :

Set in the punk-rock scene of the early 2000s and vibrating with the intense ache of bad choices and deep longing, a needle-sharp portrait of a young woman and how far she?ll go to find acceptance ? Kat is dying to be accepted by the North Carolina punks; she is totally desperate to seem cool. At a punk show, she ends up backstage with a rock star and gets noticed by a photojournalist. And then?a dream come true for Kat?her reputation as a groupie icon skyrockets. But to maintain this notoriety, Kat makes a series of devastating choices, and soon enough, she becomes unrecognizable to herself and others. Tea Hacic-Vlahovic?s?A Cigarette Lit Backwards?is a sometimes funny, often brutally honest novel about ambition and self-discovery and how a world of glamour and cool exerts its bold and breathless pull. In prose that seduces, glitters, and exhilarates, Tea Hacic-Vlahovic has written a novel that is both a wild party and a somber reckoning, consolidating her status as a thrilling and .

Book Details :

Author : Tea Hacic-Vlahovic

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 60310777-a-cigarette-lit-backwards

ISBN-13 : 9781419762895


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