Now You Access The Mistress of Bhatia House (Perveen Mistry, #4)

The Mistress of Bhatia House (Perveen Mistry, #4)The Mistress of Bhatia House (Perveen Mistry, #4)

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Book Descriptions :

Bombay?s only female solicitor, Perveen Mistry, grapples with class divisions, sexism, and complex family dynamics as she seeks justice for a mistreated young woman in this thrilling fourth installment in Sujata Massey?s Agatha and Mary Higgins Clark Award?winning series.Bombay, 1920s. At a lavish fundraiser party for the launch of a new women?s hospital, the grandson of Lord Bhatia, an influential aristocrat, is badly burned in an accident?but a young servant, Sunanda, rushes to save him. Instead of being lauded as a hero, Sunanda is dismissed from the household, and simultaneously, suspiciously charged with ?child murder??also known as abortion. Perveen Mistry, Bombay?s only female solicitor, cannot stand by while this heroine is mistreated and takes her on as a client. Perveen goes as far as inviting Sunanda to live with the Mistrys, as Sunanda?s family has put her out of the house in shame at her supposed crime. The Mistry home is full of tension, as Perveen?s sister-in-law, who .

Book Details :

Author : Sujata Massey

Pages : 432 pages

Publisher : Soho Crime

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 61068991-the-mistress-of-bhatia-house

ISBN-13 : 9781641293297


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